Thames foreshore
Low tide

An exhibition of Drawings and Paintings by Chris Owens

During lockdown, Chris who lives in Roupell Street, Waterloo walked most days on the Southbank between Waterloo Bridge and the Globe Theatre. At low tide he walked on the foreshore and what he saw became his subject matter.

Old Crypt Gallery

St. John’s Church, Waterloo
73, Waterloo Road, London SE1 8TY

25th - 31st March 2023

Exhibition open every day 12.00 - 5.00 pm
Private View Friday, 24th March, 6.00 - 8.00 pm

Chris Owens Lockdown Exhibition
Chris Owens' Lockdown Exhibition

The Monte San Martino Trust

Chris Owens has a strong connection with this trust which celebrates the incredible courage and kindness of the Italian families who in hugely dangerous situations helped escaping prisoners during WWII. The trust was set up by the ex prisoners and their families. Chris would like proceeds from sales of paintings of Monte san Martino to benefit the trust

Largo Kilby - Watercolour and Collage